ГлавнаяНовости компанийГрузоперевозки, логистикаACEX Group presents the First Russian worldwide logistics Alliance

ACEX Group presents the First Russian worldwide logistics Alliance

13.02.2014 12:31:09

The first Russian international logistics alliance ACEX Alliance was established in 2013 and it brings together freight forwarders worldwide operating in Russia, the CIS and Baltic countries.

The first introduction of ACEX Alliance to the mass media, Russian and foreign freight forwarders will be held on the 13th of February at the International Conference “ Logistics and supply chain management " of XVII Moscow International Logistics Forum ( MMFL 2014 ).

Miroslav Zolotarev, ACEX Group board member, will speak to the Forum participants and journalists and will tell about the opportunities of the new Alliance and how the freight forwarders can benefit from cargo consolidation.

ACEX Alliance aims and objectives are as follows:

∙ unite small & medium freight forwarders and logistics companies of Russia and the CIS within an alliance providing support to its members around the world;

∙ attract to Russian and the CIS logistics markets a variety of international freight forwarders interested in developing business with Russian partners;

∙ create a platform for annual meetings and communication between Russian and foreign freight forwarders in Russia and the CIS.

∙ provide a service tool that allows its participants to compete with global international transport corporations.

Details soon on the ACEX Alliance new web site www.acexgroup.net

Источник: ACEX Alliance
Контактное лицо: corporate@acex.net Подписаться на новости компании

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