ГлавнаяНовости компанийБанки и кредитыБанк «Ренессанс Кредит» открыл контакт-центр в Саратове

Банк «Ренессанс Кредит» открыл контакт-центр в Саратове

29.10.2013 14:24:12

А в перспективе - увеличение штата сотрудников до 1000 человек.

Новый контакт-центр стал уже третьим, аналогичные офисы банка «Ренессанс Кредит» уже работают в Курске и Пензе.

The Renaissance Credit Bank opened a new contact center in Saratov

On the 15th of October in 2013 there was a ceremonial opening of a distant client work office of The Renaissance Credit Bank with a support of the Communication Agency Poleznyie Svyazy in Saratov.

During the event there was hold a press-conference for Mass Media representatives dedicated to an important topic - providing job for people in Saratov.

The opening of the center was attended by The deputy chairman of The duma, member of The duma Alexander Sundeev, The first deputy minister of Economic Development and Trade Julia Vinokurova, a member of The duma council, The chairman of The committee of Local government Victor Volodin, The deputy chairman of The Board of Directions of “Renaissance Credit” Oleg Skvortsov, The senior vice President, The director of Human Resources “Renaissance Credit” Elena Loginova and The head of the operation center “Renaissance Credit” in Saratov Marat Ishmuhamedov.

It is planned that by the end of the 2013 year the opening of the new contact center will have allowed to provide to the inhabitants of Saratov with more than 300 jobs. And in the perspective there is an increasing of the staff up to 1000 people.

A new contact center has already become the third - the analogues of this office have been working in Kursk and Penza already.

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